Core Team - Appinventiv

Leaders in Innovation and Technology

Our Core Team Leaders

Meet an exceptional team of technology advisors, growth facilitators,
and subject matter experts with proven experience
Saurabh Singh
Saurabh Singh
CEO & Director
Sudeep Srivastava
Sudeep Srivastava
Director & Co-Founder
Prateek Saxena
Prateek Saxena
Director & Co-Founder
Peeyush Singh
Peeyush Singh
Director & Co-Founder
Dileep Gupta
Dileep Gupta
Director & Co-Founder
Avinash Sharma
Avinash Sharma
Rajat Singh
Rajat Singh
Apeksha Mehta
Apeksha Mehta
Manager Technology
Amardeep Rawat
Amardeep Rawat
Associate Vice President
Chirag Bharadwaj
Chirag Bharadwaj
Head - blockchain
Nitin Soni
Nitin Soni
Assistant Vice President
Ayush Gupta
Ayush Gupta
VP - Government Relations
Nishant Kataria
Nishant Kataria
Assistant Vice President (Pre Sales)

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